have fun with zoom

A classic where you play a word or phrase without speaking, and your teammates have to guess what it is. To do this by zoom, just move your camera when it's your turn, so that everyone can see what you're doing.
You will need:
2 teams,
1 suggestion list
1 timer.
You can't, of course, mouth the answer, make noise, or use items in your room as clues.
Source: click here

Scavenger Hunt
Create a list of things that people could (or could not) have around their apartment.
Add to this list everyday objects such as :
1 coffee cup
1 box of pasta
Toilet paper
An antique watch or a slinky as a unique or rare object.
Set a timer, share the list and see who can return on Zoom with the most items in the list.
Source: click here

Trivia Night
Aim for about five categories, with about eight questions each.
You can play as a team or individually.
For each team, it is important to know how each will communicate. Each team will need a private space to whisper the answers, like in a meeting room, but you can all meet in the main area on Zoom. Give each team 30 seconds to deliberate and then ask the teams to submit their responses by message.
If you play everyone individually, the first person to raise their hand must answer.
Source: click here

Related Words
The goal of the game is to say the same word at the same time.
Give yourself an order before you start.
Two players start by counting down from 3, then say any word that comes to mind.
A player then turns to the person "next to him", and they count down from 3, then say a word that the two previous words reminded them of. And so on and so forth.
It's basically a word association game, and if you play it right - where no one tries to be funny or say random things just for laughs - you'll end up saying the same word.
Source: click here

Jackbox games
Jackbox Games are available on a wide variety of digital platforms. You can purchase and download their games anywhere from an Xbox One to your Apple TV! Once you’ve bought one of their games, it’s yours to own and play as much as you want.
Each player needs a phone or other web-enabled device to use as their controller. When you start a game, you’ll be given a unique room code on your screen. Just pull up Jackbox.tv on your device’s web browser, and enter the room code to play along.
Their games are for anywhere from 1-8 players. And, if you have more people wanting to play along, they can join as an audience member (most games support an audience of up to 10,000) to influence the game’s outcome.
To get : click here

Read My Lips
To play, ask the person who is "it" to turn off their microphone. He or she will then say a series of words in a given amount of time while everyone else reads from his or her lips and writes down what they think he or she said. The person with the most correct answers is the winner.
Source: click here

Drawing challenge
You will need:
1 object of any kind from their house. (Nothing too familiar, but something that is slightly obscure.)
Then, each one in turn describes his hidden object while the others try to draw it from the description. The closest person wins and can then describe his or her hidden object.
You can do the same concept, but with images from Google.
Source: click here

Pass It Along
This game consists of creating a story together, one sentence at a time. Start the story, then pass it on to someone else who will add the next sentence, then someone else will add the third sentence, and continue until you feel that the story has reached a natural conclusion.
You can be as serious or as dumb as you want, but think about the plot, don't forget to add characters and details, to make the story interesting. Try to remember what has been said before you and work together to create a rising action story.
To add intrigue, record the story and listen to it again to see how ridiculous it was.
Source: click here

Last Letter
Start by choosing a category - movies, flowers, states, colors, etc. - and say a word for that category.
The next person will say a word that starts with the last letter of your word, and so on until someone finds an empty word.
That person will then move on to the next round. Continue playing until there is only one player left.
Source: click here

The mystery
This game comes from Jimmy Fallon’s late night show.
For starters, each person who comes to your Zoom meeting brings the "weirdest" thing they can find at home and hides it from the camera.
Each person then takes turns describing his or her object (by lying or telling the truth - it's up to the person to decide).
Everyone else holds up either a “thumbs up” for telling the truth or a “thumbs down” for lying.
Then the person who described it shows it, and you can note how many people were right or wrong about who lied or told the truth.
Source: click here

True facts
It's simple! Everyone privately sends the host a secret fact about themselves, then the host shares the secrets one by one.
Each participant must then identify who they think the fact belongs to. See if your students can deceive others.
Source: click here